Cannabis Industry news, rumors, innuendo and the occasional long form rant.
We are a collective of cannabis industry veterans that have managed to survive the DEA, LAPD and IRS but we are pretty sure that the CHAD’S will be our demise. Our goal is to stay anonymous, so we don’t lose our jobs (these are 100% our personal views and do not reflect the views or opinions of our employers). In the time being, we cover the cannabis industry, trying to put a faces to names, track the M&A madness, recognize the up-and-coming, respect the OG’s that got us here, educate the next generation, and give props where props are due.
Don’t talk about fight club. ✌🏼
Shout out to everyone writing to us and saying what’s up. It’s super interesting to see which founders and CEO’s are super cool about us messing with them while others seem a bit in their feels. At the end of the day we are just trying to have some fun and help robots stay in tune with our ever-evolving industry and make good decisions.
We are working on getting the podcast dialed and plan to use a variety of friends to host the format. We are all robots and anybody is welcome to contribute who can make us laugh, has something insightful to say or if you just need to vent.
On that note we will not post anything that is told to us in confidence, off the record or we learn through our friends, employers, and/or consulting. All in, the story needs to be “in the press” or reputedly “on the street.” Trust us, we practice major discretion.